Propaedeutic Pastoral Formation

The goal of pastoral formation at the propaedeutic stage is “to develop the dynamic of self-giving through experiences in the parish setting and charitable works and hands-on experiences that include contact with the poor” (PPF, 373).
During the propaedeutic stage, the seminarian ought to develop a spirit of generosity through pastoral field ministry that expressing an adequate evangelical and missionary zeal fundamental to priestly vocation.

- To become aware of the pastoral situation of the local community or ecclesiastical entity.
- To become aware of the multicultural reality of the Church in the United States and the nature of the Universal Church.
- To work toward cultural competency, including language competency, to meet pastoral needs in the Diocese.
- To grow in pastoral charity – in the seminary community and beyond.
Seminarians in the propaedeutic stage of formation are introduced in classroom settings to the basic concepts and framework of pastoral formation within the context of priestly formation. In addition, this includes mandatory participation in supervised pastoral activities in local parishes and apostolates in and around the Diocese of Dallas.
The experience of ministry offered through their pastoral assignments is intended to be more than a simple experience in “pastoral skills training,” but to develop a maturing habit of self-donation or self-giving to others within assigned parishes and charitable works.