Class of 2018
Father Joseph Blackburn
Ordained 5/18/2024 for the Diocese of Victoria in Texas
Father Alex Fry
Ordained 5/20/2023 for the Diocese of Dallas
Father Kevin Kolker
Ordained 5/20/2023 for the Diocese of Dallas
Father Matthew Krusleski
Ordained 6/3/2023 for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Father Zachary Muldrow
Ordained 6/4/2022 for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Father Isaac Oviedo
Ordained 6/18/2022 for the Diocese of Tyler
Father Raymond Pendleton
Ordained 6/17/2023 for the Diocese of Corpus Christi
Father Thomas Swierc
Ordained 6/17/2023 for the Diocese of Corpus Christi