Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Formation Stage: Discipleship

Class: Pre-Theology II

Archdiocese: Galveston-Houston

Hometown: Fulshear, TX

Home Parish: Epiphany of the Lord, Katy


I thought about the priesthood off and on for much of my youth, and more seriously in high school. By the time I entered college, however, it was not something on my radar. After my freshman year of college, I felt a strong desire to change my major – I started out studying computer science and would end up graduating with a degree in theology – and at that time of discernment the thought of the priesthood entered my mind. I started discerning the more seriously again, and after much prayer and discernment I entered the seminary. My time at HTS has been full of many graces and blessings.

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse

It is much more the ordinary life that is made of imagination than the contemplative life. He who has seen the whole world hanging on a hair of the mercy of God has seen the truth.” – G.K. Chesterton

Fun Fact

I was my high school’s mascot for all four years; it was a lion.