Diocese of Dallas

Formation Stage: Discipleship

Class: Discipleship IV

Diocese: Dallas

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Home Parish: St. Patrick, Dallas


I first started really thinking about my faith in middle school but didn’t take it seriously until I started attending youth ministry during high school. There, God worked through my grandmother in getting me to attend the Dallas Catholic Youth Conference, where I felt an out-of-the-blue, very strong call to the priesthood. Afterwards, I grew much in my faith, and – though I had my ups and downs regarding my vocational discernment throughout high school – I eventually ended up saying yes to God’s call to become a seminarian and discern my vocation at Holy Trinity Seminary.

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse

If I ascend to the heavens, you are there.  If I lie down in Sheol, there you are.” – Psalm 139:8

Fun Fact

I play about 5 instruments.