Formation Advisor

Reverend Garrett Bockman

I was born in Washington, DC, at Walter Reed Military Hospital. My parents both served in the Air Force; we lived in Japan, England, Russia, Maryland, California, Virginia, and Texas. I graduated from John Jay High School in San Antonio, and graduated from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, where I was awarded a BS in Physics and a BS in Mechanical Engineering. The Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU fostered within me a desire for single hearted service, and I applied to the seminary.

I was formed for two years at Holy Trinity Seminary, taking classes at the University of Dallas. I finished formation at Theological College in Washington DC, taking classes at the Catholic University of America, where I was awarded a Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology and a License in Sacred Theology in Moral Theology and Ethics.

Ordained to the priesthood in 2020, I served as Parochial Vicar first at San Juan Diego in Dallas, and later at All Saints in Dallas. I also served as Chaplain at John Paul II High School in Plano.

I enjoy the outdoors, backpacking, gym and outdoor climbing, and reading books.

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse

“Come, follow me.” – Matthew 4:19