Diocese of Austin

Formation Stage: Discipleship

Class: Pre-Theology I

Diocese: Austin

Hometown: St. Mary Cathedral, Austin

Home Parish: Yardley, PA


In 2022, since I worked remotely and could live anywhere I wanted, I moved to Austin, Texas to spend time with my friends there. On my first Sunday in Austin, I chose to attend Saint Mary Cathedral – now my home parish – nearby, and instantly felt at home. I soon joined the young adult ministry there, and even began altar serving, which sparked my discernment of the priesthood. After discerning for over six months, I decided to apply to seminary and further discern God’s will for me. I have now been in seminary for over a year and have grown much closer to Him as a result.

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse

So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.” – John 16:22

Fun Fact

I lived in Michigan for 10 years.